Channel: City Hall Review » 4th Graziano, K.
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Council waives zoning rules 31 times in 2013


City Council

The city of Richmond is the only locality in Virginia that waives zoning rules. The city charter empowers council to allow a “special use” (special privilege) to an individual landowner. Often the recipient or the recipient’s representative is a campaign donor to one or several city council members. In 2013 city council waived zoning rules 31 times.


Baliles Samuels Hilbert Graziano Agelasto Robertson Newbille Trammell Mosby
Yes 28 31 30 31 30 30 31 31 27
No 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Abstain 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Excused 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
Absent 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
TOTAL 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31



2013/Jan/14 2012-211-2013-1 To amend and reordain Ord. No. 86-44-50, adopted Mar. 10, 1986, as last amended by Ord. No. 2007-328-2008-4, adopted Jan. 14, 2008, which authorized the special use of the property located at 2509-11 Wise Street, 2510 Bainbridge Street, and 65, 67 and 71 West Clopton Street for the purpose of authorizing certain renovations to and increasing the number of residents permitted in the adult care residence, upon certain terms and conditions.(Planning Commission -January 7, 2013)
2013/Jan/28 2012-200-2013-4 To authorize the special use of the property known as 407 South Cherry Street for the purpose of permitting multifamily use and the property known as 811 Albemarle Street for the purpose of establishing a single-family dwelling lot and a lot to be used for surface parking accessory to a multifamily use, upon certain terms and conditions. (As Amended)
2013/Feb/11 2013-5-12 To authorize the special use of the property known as 3600 Forest Hill Avenue for the purposes of permitting live entertainment and an outdoor dining area, upon certain terms and conditions. (Mayor Jones – By Request) {Planning Commission -February 4, 2013}
2013/Feb/11 2013-8-13 To amend Ord. No. 2009-102-114, adopted Jun. 22, 2009, which authorized the special use of the property known as 508 Libbie Avenue for office use with accessory parking, to authorize office use in the existing basement, upon certain terms and conditions. (Mayor Jones – By Request) {Planning Commission -February 4, 2013}
2013/Feb/11 2013-11-15 To authorize the special use of the property known as 4030 MacArthur Avenue for the purposes of permitting an outdoor dining area and expansion of the existing building, upon certain terms and conditions. (Mayor Jones – By Request) {Planning Commission – February 4, 2013}
2013/Feb/25 2013-4-19 To authorize the special use of the properties known as 1815 and 1817 East Franklin Street for the purpose of a multifamily dwelling with up to thirteen (13) dwelling units, upon certain terms and conditions. (Mayor Jones – By Request) {Planning Commission – February 4, 2013}
2013/Feb/25 2013-13-29 To authorize the special use of the properties known as 1006, 1008, 1100 and 1104 Libbie Avenue for the purpose of permitting a tourist home with up to 16 guest rooms, upon certain terms and conditions. (Mayor Jones – By Request) {Planning Commission – February 19, 2013}
2013/Mar/11 2013-29-32 To authorize the special use of the property known as 1318 Parkwood Avenue for the purpose of permitting a two-family detached dwelling, upon certain terms and conditions. (Mayor Jones – By Request) {Planning Commission – March 4, 2013}
2013/Mar/11 2013-30-33 To authorize the special use of the property known as 1316 Parkwood Avenue for the purpose of permitting a two-family detached dwelling, upon certain terms and conditions. (Mayor Jones – By Request) {Planning Commission – March 4, 2013}
2013/Apr/22 2013-72-54 To amend Ord. No. 2009-16-53, adopted Apr. 13, 2009, as previously amended by Ord. No. 2010-222-207, adopted Nov. 22, 2010, and Ord. No. 2011-210-2012-17, adopted February 27, 2012, which authorizes the special use of the property known as 1415 Chamberlayne Parkway for multifamily residential and student housing uses, to authorize additional signage, upon certain terms and conditions. (Mayor Jones – By Request) {Planning Commission – April 15, 2013}
2013/Apr/22 2013-73-55 To amend Ord. No. 2008-162-165, adopted Jul. 14, 2008, which authorized the special use of the property known as 1700 Summit Avenue for the purpose of converting the existing building for use as up to 89 multifamily dwelling units, for the purpose of instead authorizing up to 42 multifamily dwelling units and uses permitted in the B-7 Mixed-Use Business District, upon certain terms and conditions. (Mayor Jones – By Request) {Planning Commission – April 15, 2013}
2013/Apr/22 2013-74-56 To authorize the special use of the property known as 8 and 10 North Robinson Street for the purpose of authorizing the existing buildings for office, retail, and personal service uses, upon certain terms and conditions. (Mayor Jones – By Request) {Planning Commission-April 15, 2013}
2013/Apr/22 2013-75-57 To amend Ord. No. 2011-20-32, adopted Mar. 14, 2011, which authorized the special use of the property known as 310 North 33rd Street for the purpose of the conversion of the existing building to a multifamily dwelling with up to 50 units, to additionally authorize principal commercial uses permitted on corner lots in the R-63 Multifamily Urban Residential District on the property, upon certain terms and conditions. (Mayor Jones – By Request) {Planning Commission – April 15, 2013}
2013/May/13 2013-87-70 To authorize the special use of the properties known as 3408 and 3412 West Moore Street for the purpose of permitting multifamily dwellings containing a total of up to 94 dwelling units, upon certain terms and conditions. (Mayor Jones – By Request) {Planning Commission – May 6, 2013}
2013/May/28 2013-104-103 To amend and reordain Ord. No. 2000-379-361, adopted Dec. 11, 2000, as previously amended by Ord. No. 2005-183-162, adopted Jul. 25, 2005, which authorizes the special use of the property known as 3406 Brook Road for the purpose of adult undergraduate or graduate educational institutions, either or both, to also authorize the use of such property as a private elementary or secondary school, either or both, upon certain terms and conditions. (Mayor Jones – By Request–) {Planning Commission – May 20, 2013}
2013/Jun/10 2013-106-108 To amend and reordain Ord. No. 2001-23-32, adopted Feb. 12, 2001, which authorized the special use of the property known as 310 South Boulevard for the purpose of a non-medical office use, to additionally authorize the enclosure of an existing 292 square foot porch, upon certain terms and conditions. (Mayor Jones -By Request) {Planning Commission – June 3, 2013}
2013/Jun/10 2013-95-107 To amend Ord. No. 2005-271-239, adopted Nov. 14, 2005, which authorized the special use of the property known as 1714 Summit Avenue for the purpose of the conversion of the existing building for use as a maximum of 31 dwelling units and incidental uses, to authorize the reconfiguration and addition of parking areas on the property, upon certain terms and conditions. (Mayor Jones – By Request) {Planning Commission – May 6, 2013}
2013/Jul/22 2013-136-152 To authorize the special use of the property known as 2007 Brook Road for the purpose of constructing a multi-family residential building containing up to one hundred three (103) dwelling units and student housing units and site amenities, upon certain terms and conditions. (Mayor Jones – By Request) {Planning Commission – July 15, 2013}
2013/Sep/09 2013-156-154 To authorize the special use of the property known as 2501 Monument Avenue for the purpose of a museum for architecture and design and a lodging unit, upon certain terms and conditions, and to repeal Ord. No. 2001-308-305, adopted Oct. 22, 2001. (President Samuels – By Request) {Planning Commission -September 3, 2013}
2013/Sep/09 2013-170-156 To authorize the special use of the property known as 2620 West Grace Street for the purposes of four (4) two-family attached dwelling units and a parking area, upon certain terms and conditions. (Mayor Jones – By Request) {Planning Commission – September 3, 2013}
2013/Oct/14 2013-155-183 To authorize the special use of the property known as 1210 Huntland Road for the purpose of a day nursery for up to 12 children, upon certain terms and conditions. (Mayor Jones – By Request) {Planning Commission – September 3, 2013} As Amended
2013/Oct/14 2013-197-186 To amend Ord. No. 2006-194-200, adopted Jul. 24, 2006, which authorized the special use of the property known as 900 West Franklin Street for the purpose of the expansion of a nonconforming retail bookstore, to authorize additional signage and an increase in the radius within which required parking must be provided, upon certain terms and conditions. (Mayor Jones – By Request) {Planning Commission – October 7, 2013}
2013/Oct/14 2013-200-188 To authorize the special use of the property known as 315 Maple Avenue for the purpose of authorizing non-medical office use, upon certain terms and conditions. (Mayor Jones – By Request) {Planning Commission – October 7, 2013}
2013/Oct/14 2013-201-189 To authorize the special use of the property known as 800 North Cleveland Street for the purpose of outdoor dining, upon certain terms and conditions. (Mayor Jones – By Request) {Planning Commission – October 7, 2013}
2013/Oct/14 2013-202-190 To authorize the special use of the property known as 418 North 25th Street for the purpose of authorizing a mixed-use development with a multifamily dwelling of up to 22 dwelling units and uses permitted in the UB Urban Business District, upon certain terms and conditions. (Mayor Jones – By Request) {Planning Commission – October 7, 2013}
2013/Oct/14 2013-203-191 To authorize the special use of the property known as 1310 Roseneath Road for the purpose of authorizing multifamily dwellings with a total of up to 194 dwelling units and office use, upon certain terms and conditions. (Mayor Jones – By Request) {Planning Commission – October 7, 2013}
2013/Oct/14 2013-204-192 To authorize the special use of the properties known as 3027 and 3029 Park Avenue for the purpose of authorizing four (4) two-family attached dwelling units, upon certain terms and conditions. (Mayor Jones – By Request) {Planning Commission – October 7, 2013}
2013/Oct/28 2013-171-195 To authorize the special use of the properties known as 309 Cowardin Avenue, 311 Cowardin Avenue, 313 Cowardin Avenue, 313 1/3 Cowardin Avenue, 313 2/3 Cowardin Avenue, 315 Cowardin Avenue, 310 West 15th Street, 314 West 15th Street, 1514 McDonough Street, 1508 McDonough Street, 1506 McDonough Street, 1504 McDonough Street and 1502 McDonough Street for the purpose of retail use, upon certain terms and conditions. (Mayor Jones – By Request) {Planning Commission – September 3, 2013} As Amended
2013/Oct/28 2013-208-197 To amend Ord. No. 2013-156-154, adopted Sept. 9, 2013, which authorized the special use of the property known as 2501 Monument Avenue for the purpose of a museum for architecture and design and a lodging unit, to impose as a condition on the special use of such property a 150-person attendance limit for al reception events. (President Samuels – By Request) {Planning Commission -October 21, 2013}
2013/Dec/09 2013-233-217 To amend Ord. No. 2006-256-268, adopted Oct. 23, 2006, which authorized the special use of the properties known as 2300 and 2306 Jefferson Avenue for restaurant uses and the construction of an addition to the building, for the purpose of authorizing the sale of beer and wine for off-premises consumption, upon certain terms and conditions. (Mayor Jones – By Request) {Planning Commission – December 2, 2013}
2013/Dec/09 2013-235-218 To authorize the special use of the property known as 1314 Parkwood Avenue for the purpose of permitting a two-family detached dwelling, upon certain terms and conditions. (Mayor Jones – By Request) {Planning Commission – December 2, 2013}

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